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2020-05-03 20:40

  Story Five

  Cast:Jerry Yeo, Kimberly Wang

  I am a regular IT engineer with an extraordinary girlfriend and her name is Kimberly. She is not a princess but certainly has the traits and aura of one. My pals cannot understand my tolerance towards her. Well, I question myself at times too, and I would ask her the reason for treating me like a slave. Her reply – if this is true love, I should accept her no matter what. She has a point. It is my greatest wish in life to be able to marry her after all. But on this wedding day, I am starting to doubt. Is this what love truly entrails?


  演员:郑斌辉Tay Ping Hui、林慧玲Rebecca Lim

  Tay与Rebecca事业有成,夫妻情 感恩爱,是羡煞旁人的一对。世事哪有如此完 善?事实上,两人的情 感淡如水,各自生 涯,双方的唯一接 洽是他们的‘儿子’狗狗一只。Tay与诊所的女护士有私情。Rebecca知道此事却不作声。Tay对Rebecca有歉疚,坦言回到家里还是会尽丈夫的义 务。然而,很快的Tay发 明Rebecca与公司主管发展办公室恋情。此刻,离婚似乎是唯一的前 途。两人开 端掠 夺财产,甚至两人共同拥有的狗也在掠 夺战中,忘 却了当初两人是何等的深爱着对方…

  Story Six

  Cast:Tay Ping Hui, Rebecca Lim

  Tay and Rebecca are successful individuals with respective flying careers. They are a loving couple whom many are envious of. But do you really think there could ever be such a wonderfulcouple as them? In reality, they are cold and distant from another, to the extent of living separate private lives. The only connection between them is their dog, which they come to love like a son. Tay is in an extramarital relationship with the nurse at his clinic. Rebecca is aware but she does not raise an issue with it. Tay feels a little guilty towards Rebecca, and promises that he would still fulfil his duties as a husband when he is at home. He eventually discovers that Rebecca is also in a relationship with her boss. Divorce seems like the only option at this juncture. The two of them get into an ugly dispute while trying to split their assets, even the dog they shared. It seems as if they have totally forgotten how much in love they were before.


韩剧名:《没有名字的女人》外文名: ;无名女;Unknown Woman导演:金明旭 编剧:文恩雅 主演:吴智恩,裴宗玉,朴允载,...[详细]
