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2020-05-03 20:40


  演员:陈罗密欧Romeo Tan、沈惠怡Sheila Sim

  Romeo是求婚谋 划师,善 于为客户谋 划浪漫的求婚仪式。与Sheila从中学拍拖至今,已经10多年。对Romeo来说结婚是一处可 怕惊悚悬疑片。两人底 本协 定不结婚,但在亲朋戚友的压力下,加上Sheila怀孕,两人迫不得已必 需正视婚姻这个问题。在准 备婚礼的进 程中,两人的价值观明 显地不同,开 端认真思考对方的定位...

  Story Three

  Cast:Romeo Tan, Sheila Sim

  Romeo is a marriage proposal planner who specialises in customizing romantic proposals for his clients. Yet, he is hesitant to propose to his girlfriend of ten years, Sheila. To Romeo, a marriage is akin to a horror movie and he is not prepared to take the leap of faith. As her friends are getting hitched one after another, Sheila urges Romeo to tie the knot to which he reluctantly agrees. But as they went along with the wedding preparations, they realise critical differences in their life values and start to review the significance of each other in their lives.


  演员:陈凤玲Felicia Chin、Bobby Tonelli

  Felicia性 情内向,30岁的她在一间公司当receptionist。她的生 涯只有两点一线,苦闷死 板。由于样子长得不错,公司里的送信员对她倾 慕已久,但Felicia无动于衷。本 来Felicia心有所属,她与美籍网友Tony网恋,Tony善解人意,温 顺体贴。Felicia在Tony面前展 现的是截然不同的一个人,热 忱奔放。Felicia把全副心思都放在Tony身上,但发 明Tony竟然是网络骗子…

  Story Four

  Cast:Felicia Chin, Bobbi Tonelli

  Felicia is an introverted, 30-year-old receptionist. Her life is mostly routine and boring. Nonetheless, she is a pretty girl with no lack of suitors in her company. Felicia is unmoved as she is already in an online relationship with Tony - a sweet and understanding American. Felicia becomes uncharacteristically passionate in front of hm. She invests heavily in this relationship, only to find out that Tony is an online scammer.


  演员:杨伟烈Jerry Yeo、王智荟 Kimberly Wang

  我是一个普通的IT男,女朋友叫Kimberly (王佳佳)。Kimberly很好,只是偶尔会闹性 格。兄弟们不懂 得为什么我能够包容Kimberly,因为我爱她呀。Kimberly终于肯嫁给我,Kimberly请 求婚礼要豪 华一点,我批 准。一生只结一次婚,豪 华是必 需的。怎么知道,预算超支,让我背上卡债。结婚那天,姐妹团百般折磨我,让我与兄弟团没面子,我忍无可忍,不要结婚算了。花了一大笔钱,却结不成婚,我到底怎么了?


韩剧名:《没有名字的女人》外文名: ;无名女;Unknown Woman导演:金明旭 编剧:文恩雅 主演:吴智恩,裴宗玉,朴允载,...[详细]
