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《最爱是你/In The Name Of Love》剧情简介第1-20全集(2)

2019-10-31 21:44


  伟国无奈,只好请女佣来照顾,没想到女佣在伟国前面对美黛呵护有加,可是当没人在的时候就虐待美黛,与男人暗度陈仓。 伟国发现后,将女佣送走,干脆自己来照顾,只是美黛没有想象中那么容易照料,伟国在心力交瘁之下,也忍不住动手打了美黛一巴掌,自己也痛哭流泪。到最后,伟国决定把美黛送入疗养院…

  宋楚云在一次的车祸中,无心撞死了一名小男孩,就此走不出阴影,把自己封闭起来,不敢再驾车,甚至连过马路也有问题。 楚云的丈夫陆志光,表面上是个好好先生,可是却在背地里养着另一头家,连孩子都有了。楚云过后收到神秘人寄来的照片,这才发现真相,于是要求离婚,什么也不要,只要求带走孩子宇安。在弟弟宋信仁的帮助下,楚云努力走出阴影,开始重新生活,除了回到职场,也积极参加烹饪课程。楚云在烹饪班认识了一名翩翩富商方耀良,开始是拒他于千里之外,可是在耀良的苦心经营下,在各方面帮忙楚云重新站起来,甚至重新回到驾驶盘,楚云最终慢慢接受了耀良的感情。正当楚云以为终于找到幸福的时候,耀良却突然卖屋,打算不告而别,让楚云大受打击。经过信仁的明查暗访,这才发现原来耀良的孩子,就是被楚云撞死的小男孩,耀良是来找楚云报复的。耀良的目的是想要以其人之道,还治其人之身,可是到了最后,耀良良心发现,及时悬崖勒马,放弃了复仇,选择离开楚云。 因为耀良发现,自己已经无可救药地爱上这个女人…



  Song Xin Ren inherits an antique shop from his father. Business is slack, so he often resorts to trickery such as placing some antiques where it is easy for customers to break them unwittingly upon entering the shop. Then, he makes them pay for the damage or buy the piece.  The old-style apartment Xin Ren lives in is also a property he inherited from his father. He and his elder sister, Chu Yun, are co-owners. Its good location finds favour with a developer who sends his staff to collect signatures from occupants to seek an en bloc  sale. Xin Ren is tempted. Unfortunately, his old neighbors, Wang Wei Guo and Hong Mei Dai are reluctant to move and thus, oppose the sale vehemently. Also, Wei Guo is an old employee of the antique shop who has known Xin Ren since he was a boy. Xin Ren has no choice but to reject the en bloc sale.

  One day, a beautiful but aloof woman with a little boy visit the shop. The boy is a handful; despite Xin Ren’s warnings, he continues to misbehave. The woman is oblivious to his behaviour. So, Xin Ren deliberately breaks a vase but pins the blame on the boy, and demands compensation from the woman. She is aware that Xin Ren is seizing the opportunity to quote an astronomical price, but pays up without without any hesitation. Xin Ren laters finds out that the woman is unrelated to the child. He feels guilty and forms a deep impression of her. The woman is Pan Xiao Min, an unknown model. She plays hard to get in a bid to snare Xin Ren who falls hopelessly in love with her subsequently.


韩剧名:《没有名字的女人》外文名: ;无名女;Unknown Woman导演:金明旭 编剧:文恩雅 主演:吴智恩,裴宗玉,朴允载,...[详细]
